Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"The Message from Water"

Ever hear of Masaru Emoto? Neither had I (unfortunately) until an interesting mid-meeting conversation with some of my coworkers yesterday.

Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher that has done some fascinating work with the formation of water crystals and in his book, “The Message from Water,” makes the claim that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water.

His research began when, by freezing and photographing water crystals, he discovered that water from different sources has different crystalline structures.

On the left is an image of a water crystal from Biwako Lake, a large polluted lake at the center of Japan. On the right is a crystal from Sanbu-Ichi Yusui Spring Water.
Playing off the popularity of music therapy, Emoto then decided to look into the affect music had on the formation of water crystals.

On the left you are looking at a water crystal that was "listening" to Beethoven's Pastoral. On the right, a Tibetan Sutra.
This is when Emoto took the truly revolutionary step. By placing certain words on glass bottles overnight he hoped to show a link between thoughts and crystal formation. The results were astonishing.

Above are two crystals formed in bottles with positive words on them. On the left was "love and appreciation and on the right was "thank you."

The two crystals above were formed in the negative bottles. On the left was written "You make me sick, I will kill you" and on the right "Adolf Hitler."

So what does it all mean? Is it really possible that an inanimate object such as water can “react” to human energy? What causes the reaction: the words themselves or the thoughts and intentions of the person placing the words on the bottle?

Emoto himself admits this is a difficult question to answer. I like to believe it is the positive or negative human energy that causes the differing crystal formations. After all, I’m guessing water, reactionary or not, can’t read.

To provide further evidence that human intention affects water crystals, Emoto performed experiments with prayer. Check this out:
Stop and think about the implications. Our thoughts, our intentions, our prayers, all have an immediate impact on our surroundings. It’s out there, but Emoto has demonstrated that we have the control to make our world ugly or beautiful with only our positive or negative energy.

So believe in the power of prayer and the resounding effects of good deeds. Wish your coworkers a good morning. Buy your girlfriend or wife or mother flowers for no reason. Take your dad fishing. Pray a prayer of blessing for a complete stranger just because you can. And watch your world beautify (if nothing else, at least the water will look better).

Be positive and be well.

Thanks for reading.
P.S. Of course I realize the irony of Zizzle-Zot telling other people to be positive (particularly when placed back to back with yesterday's post, among others). It's definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Whether or not I can follow my own advice in real life remains to be seen.
But rest assured that for the purposes of Zizzle-Zot, etc. I will remain a cynical ass.


Anonymous said...

I love it when you show your soft side. Zizzle-Zot does have a heart.

Interesting stuff and crazy at the same time. I don't know what else to say. Looking forward to todays post.

Anonymous said...

That is a very interesting post. It makes me want to do more research into it.

It is crazy how much we can influence life around us and we never even know it. I think sometimes that is why we fail to do the things we should... we do not get the credit or see the results of our actions.

It is unfortunate because those types of things are what would make this world a much better place if everyone gave an effort.

My high school football coach used to say that integrity is what you do when nobody is looking. Can you imagine this world if everyone could live life like that.

Anonymous said...

PS Welcome werd... who are you?

Anonymous said...

All this talk of water makes me thirsty! I wonder what the crystals will look like in my belly???

Anonymous said...

drew backwards = werd

Anonymous said...

werd, you are drew backwards. Nice.

Zizzle-Zot said...

I wonder if we think "muscles" when we drink water it will get in our belly and make a six pack...

Anonymous said...

good call groobs i like that...

Socrates08 said...

i read that article in school, and thought it was way intersing. What is our sub Subconscious processing with out you knowing it. What energy is out there, and does it effect us? Have you ever meet someone and knew they where a good person, or a bad person? Or ever felt loved with out a word ever being said. Energy, is a big part of allot of martial arts which have been around damn near forever, chi and what not.
I really wonder what else are subconscious holds back from us, or what we could learn from it……energy crazy.. nice post I like it…and I commented on yesterday, just a day late. sorry