Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cheaters Never Prosper (Unless They Do – And Mostly They Do)

The world is full of cheaters. Their names, faces and nefarious deeds dominate print journalism, the nightly news, and perhaps most prominently ESPN’s Sportscenter (played on a loop eight times daily).

Barry Bonds pursuit of the all-time home run record has an asterisk because it is allegedly fueled by performance-enhancing drugs (can we please be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that most 40+ home run hitters, not to mention most pitchers, do the same thing? And while we’re at it, can we stop making Hank Aaron into some sort of national hero? His career was mired in mediocrity, and he was on amphetamines the whole time).

One cyclist after another has fallen off the pedestal of athletic greatness as allegations of doping become increasingly rampant, most recently claiming the careers of favored Kazakh cyclist Alexander Vinokourov and his team.

Even the integrity of the NBA is being called into question as referee Tim Donaghy stands accused of betting on games he was officiating. I personally think the idea of integrity in the NBA is laughable. Kobe Bryant, Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson, and rumors that most players show up to games high took care of that.

With all these cheaters, thank goodness “cheaters never prosper.”

Wait…yes they do. Mom, you lied to me.

I’d be hard pressed to come up with more than a handful of instances where a cheater didn’t prosper. Yes, these athletes may endure public scorn and ridicule, but at the end of the day Bonds and friends are still taking home fat paychecks, no one is reclaiming the cyclists’ endorsement deals, and Donaghy is destined to become a notorious media sensation in the mold of Joey Buttafuoco, JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect John Mark Karr, or besmirched Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. It’s just a matter of time before he signs his book deal.

Bill Clinton cheated on his wife and he’s one of America’s most beloved politicians. Martha Stewart cheated the stock market and she’s more popular now than before her prison term.

I won’t go so far as to sat cheaters always prosper. The academic fraud of the Minnesota Gophers basketball team, Tanya Harding’s banishment from the U.S. Figure Skating Association, and Pete Rose’s lifetime ban from the MLB Hall of Fame attest to this.

But most of the time they do. Moral of the story: cheat whenever possible.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I'm back! It has been a long time, I was gone for the last couple weeks but I am trying to catch up on things. Cheaters, it is unbelievable when you think about it. They get away with a lot. What can we do about it? Obviously whatever they are trying to do to help the problem, it isn't working. Not sure what will work.

Anyway, the big story on my mind is Garnett going to the Celtics. What do you think about that Gruber? I say go for it.

Zizzle-Zot said...

Welcome back, Drew. Yeah, the Garnett deal is huge. I've already started tomorrow's post about it. I'm just waiting for the deal to officially go through before I talk about it. I agree though. I'll miss KG, but it's time to go for it.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Werd. I was wondering if you were hating up on the Zizzle-Zot.

I can't say I hate all cheaters unfortunately because i definately cheated on some school stuff and let people cheat off of me. Granted my cheating definately wasn't on the grand scale that some of these people are. But i still can imagine that my cheating had to affect someone at sometime in someway. I feel bad about it....not really.

Anyway I'm sure we have all had the chance to cheat we all have. It is unfortunate that we are human beings that like to take the easy way out. Unfortunately we often can get away with it. Your post is so true Gruber, our culture only encourages cheating because we see the majority of the public figures that get caught and they either get a slap on the wrist, or they become even bigger post cheating. Oh well, what can you do. I'm going to go find something i can cheat at though...

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about Garnett. I want him to go, mostly for his sake. He is loved so much by Minnesota fans, it isn't that we don't want him around, it is that Kevin (Dumbass) McHale is such an idiot that we want Garnett to go somewhere where he might have a chance at winning. That's how I feel anyway. Plus if we are going to suck I would rather suck with lots of young talent.

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