Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Live Earth: An Aggressively Stupid Endeavor

I don’t mind that celebrities have their little pet causes. I really don’t. A number of them do a great deal of good. Because of their public persona and the cult of celeb-idolatry that has overtaken the world they are often able to raise awareness and funds that would be impossible for the average citizen to match.

But periodically celebrities’ self-delusional perceptions of grandeur go too far. They start to envision themselves as the saviors of humanity. They start to believe that all thoughts passing through their perfectly quaffed skulls are somehow revolutionary, genius, and ought to be thrust upon the huddled masses (us). They become like monkeys hurling their (pseudo-intellectual) shits at eager zoo patrons.

Occasionally we are confronted with a perfect storm of pet causes and celebrity narcissism in which large swaths of self-righteous, smug camera mongers converge simultaneously on one seemingly important issue. The swirling skies of half-baked global concerns collide with swelling ego-clouds, and we (the victims) are then subjected to a hellish awareness-raising event so illogical in its concoction, so blinded by its own presumptuousness, so satisfied by its own grandiosity that we have no choice but to accept, without question, that these celebrities must be accomplishing some great feat for humanity.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Live Earth.

Saturday’s 24 hour bonanza of concerts and celebrity speakers, spanning all seven continents, was a disgrace to environmentalism. Al Gore, we deserve better.

Think about the premise: to raise awareness of climate change we will bring together major musical acts (Madonna, Dave Matthews, Kanye West, Ludacris, Keith Urban, the list goes on) and high profile celebrities (Leonardo Dicaprio, Cameron Diaz, Kevin Bacon, etc.) to sing songs and tell people that they should recycle?

I hope (though I’m not optimistic) that even the most sniveling of the dunderheaded twits attending these concerts (or watching them on TV) could see the inherent idiocity. Putting the controversy of climate change aside (I personally think the jury’s still out. Climate shifts are not unique to this era if you take the whole of Earth’s history into account. Regardless, pollution is a major problem), but putting all that aside, to encourage people to take environmental action, these celebrities jumped on gas-guzzling, carbon-emitting airplanes, plugged into energy consuming sound and light equipment, drew crowds that produced enormous amounts of paper and plastic waste (and coincidentally also burned through untold quantities of fossil fuels to get there), and then had the balls to tell US how WE could change the environment?

And let’s think about who the message is coming from. How eco-friendly is it to own multiple mega-mansions on sprawling estates? Tell me Madonna, I’m curious. And Luda, does that Hummer come in a hybrid? Don’t think we’re forgetting about that whole dumping your feces in the Chicago River incident, Dave Matthews.

I could dedicate my entire life to polluting, emitting and all-inclusively raping the environment, and (presuming I never become fabulously wealthy) not leave a fraction of the environmental footprint that these people leave.

So pardon me, celebrities, if I tell you all to go f&#@ yourselves.

Let’s be honest: Live Earth was not so much an event to manifest eco-consciousness as it was an exercise in ego-consciousness. It gave these people another opportunity to inflate their own sense of worth, to delude themselves into thinking they are worthwhile, nay, indispensable human beings, and to self-righteously parade themselves as goodwill incarnate.

The saving grace was Bono’s conspicuous absence. Normally the headliner in celeb-advocacy events, whatever shred of dignity the celebrosphere maintains rests on his shoulders as one of the few able to see the megalomaniacal hypocrisy that was Live Earth.

Thanks for reading.

P.S. A tangent to the discussion of the last two days: I don’t know if you all have heard, but the Pope issued a proclamation declaring that Catholicism is the only “true religion” and that no other denomination “holds the means to Salvation”…So it looks like we’re all screwed anyways.


Anonymous said...

I love this post. Those damn celebrities. Stuff like this bugs the piss out of me, just like you Gruber. Unfortunately it is "us" that allows them to do this and to think they are special. They think they have the right to influence opinion because they have to ability to act or sing and are thus thrust into the public eye. A lot of them with no formal education or any credentials whatsoever to justify any one of us giving them more than a second of our time.

PS there are some like Bono as Gruber mentioned that I do repect and there are some legit causes. I exclude those from my ranting.

Anonymous said...


Nice post buddy. I was listening to KQ yesterday morning (like every morning) and Hollywood Mike Evans (who is on everday at 6:30) was talking about the same thing. He had this crazy pollution statistic regarding Madonna. Unfortunetly i forgot what it was, but i emailed him so hopefully he'll get back to me and i'll let you know. I also sent him the link to your blog cause i think he would love this article. Also, one thing he (Mike Evans) said today was how Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie preach giving to the needing and adopting all these kids, but the ironic thing is that currently they are looking at a new house that is on the market for $ 175 million dollars.

I'm okay with people, like celebrities, using their likeability power to promote good. But what pisses me off the most is when they come off as if their innocent of any wrong doing and we're the ones f-ing up this world.

Anonymous said...

Good post. I sometimes think about the celebrities and how they got to be where they are now? The only reason they are so popular is media time. We see them on T.V., hear about them on the radio, or read about them in magazines/newspapers. They are normal people just like us and screw the world up just like the rest of us. The only difference is more people know them. It's pretty gusty for them to go out and promote this "Let's make the world a better place, save the planet!" They have to realize that they are going to have to do their part in order to make the point plausible. You found their flaws and presented them in your post. Sounds like their concert series definitely didn't motivate us. Oh well.

I wonder how many people actually realize that those big time celebs don't do anything better then what we do to the earth? I know there are a few celebrities that do good things, but like you said with this concert series (which I didn't really know about), what did they do to help the environment?

Anyway, celebs suck. Not all, but most. Why the heck is Paris Hilton even a celebrity? Groobs, you should shoot her!

Socrates08 said...

agree that the celbs don’t follow their own teachings. But this does not take away for the message that needs to be sent. If you check the c02 levels from the industrial rev till now, you will see a direct correlation to warmer weather. And not the avg goin up, but a drastic increase. I will agree the celbs should not have such an impact on so many Americans thoughts and wills. But I have to think any way we can make more Americans aware of the damage they are doing, is ok with me. We are the 1st generation that could stop the earth from regenerating.

Most proof is theory, but what sci isn’t theoretical. And if you look at the polar ice caps you will have physical proof. And the sings are clear cut, if you look. u dont have to but into the lib propaganda, but that does not omit that fact it is happening. It won’t affect us, but it will effect our kids, and theirs