Friday, September 7, 2007

Special Report: Children No Longer Our Future

Watch this first:

In a shocking and tragic pronouncement made by the International Tribunal for the Betterment of the Future (ITBOF), prominent world leaders and renowned researchers have rejected the long-held assertion that children are our future and now maintain that the best hope for future generations lies either in well-trained Rhesus Monkeys or a race of super-cyborgs capable of both human compassion and the cold-blooded, calculated elimination of a weaker species (humans).

Following the blundering, inane response from Miss Teen South Carolina to a question that could have been answered simply enough with a smile and a trite response such as “we need to improve our educational system,” ITBOF chairman Dr. Wesley Hammers confirmed for the first time what most competent individuals have long suspected: the children of today are far too inept to be trusted with a responsibility as grave as the survival of humanity.

Dr. Hammers commented “the reality of the situation is that these children in whom we have placed so much hope can barely function. Twenty years ago, we would have diagnosed the lot of them with mild retardation and sent them all to state institutions. Now we’re telling them they could one day be president. Hate to break it you kids, but we’ve learned our lesson about putting dumbasses in office. Fool me once, shame on me, no you, fool me twice...the point is, if you fool me once I won’t get fooled again.”

Dr. Hammers attributes the dumbing-down of America’s children to a number of factors, including the dim-witted lyrics of favorite pop stars, the oblivious behavior of beloved pseudo-celebrities, and the latest phenomenon to sweep the country: High School Musical. “With so much foolishness entering their minds every day, what hope is there for children to escape the clutches of stupidity?” Dr. Hammers mournfully pondered this question as he watched a group of 9-year-old test subjects repeatedly punch each other in the testicles.

Even Whitney Houston has given up on the idea that “the children are our future,” declaring that her hit song “Greatest Love of All” has turned out to be “complete rubbish.” She went on to say that “crack is whack.”

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but how can you be any dummer? I have seen that clip around for about the past week and it is unbelievable.

Good thing we have Zizzle-Zot in out country to be our future!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it? What was wrong with her answer? We should help the Iraq and South African nations with our education and then that will help is learn where the US is on the map.

Totally serious, it all did actually make pretty good sense to me. I was understanding what she was trying to say. I feel bad that everyone thinks she is such an idiot. It could have happened to anyone.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny Pat (refering to my previous response)

But the post Grub's. It's great to go into the weekend with a funny one. I do have a couple things though.

1st: I recently watched High-School musical and i like it. I found myself looking for #2 on TV but to my dismay it dosn't look like it'll be on again. Guess i'll have to wait for the video.

2nd: Without retarded pop lyrics what would we have to grind up on hot babes at the club.

3rd: ITBOF is not what you said it was it is actually the The "Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders & Owners Foundation"...maybe there was a typo in your blog. Just thought i should make you aware of it.

Well hopefully i'll be seeing you this weekend sometime...LATA!

Zizzle-Zot said...

Good research Joey. I just made ITBOF up, never suspecting it was actually the name of an organization. Apologies Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders & Owners Foundation. I hope you won't find it necessary to take any legal action.

Anonymous said...

wow! I just now watched the video. Not able to see it at school because youtube is blocked by our firewall. Unbelievable, I was just hoping she would stop talking, she started rambling and didn't know what to do. What the hell did Iraq and South Africa have to do with anything!!??

Anyway, it is sad and me as a 4th grade teacher am trying to do my best so my students don't someday sound like that. However, I guarantee that over half of my students could give a better answer right now at the age of 9.

Anonymous said...

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