Monday, September 10, 2007

It’s September: You All Know What That Means…

As many of you already know (and are probably wishing I would shut up about), I’m running a marathon at the beginning of October and just recently passed the 4-week countdown. As I’ve delved deeper into the training program I’ve become more and more of a morning person. I now have no trouble waking up before the sun, lacing up the sneakers and hitting the pavement while most of the world groggily slaps the snooze for just five more minutes of glorious rest.

It’s become habit. I wake up between 5:30 and 5:45, drink a glass of water, relieve myself of said glass of water, and by the time I’m running the sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon.

This morning, however, was different. As I sat on the front step tying my shoes I realized it was still dark. Very dark. My forearms were speckled with goosebumps. My nose was running. And my nipples were unusually pointy. For the first time in a long time, I noticed, I was cold. I couldn’t have been more thrilled.

Ladies and gentlemen, fall is on our doorstep.

The season of changing leaves, brisk winds, apple orchards and bonfires happens to be my personal favorite. Mid to late September is an unbelievable time to be alive (mostly because it is Library Card Sign-Up Month).

Upon making this abrupt realization another thought dawned on me. We are now ten days into what is possibly my favorite month, and I have thus far neglected my most sacred responsibility: I have yet to name a new Reader of the Month.

We’ve been having some first-rate conversation recently on a few weighty issues, and to be perfectly frank I don’t think this would have been possible without the input of September’s Zizzle-Zot Reader of the Month, so without further ado…

Congratulations Drew “Werd Yelof” Foley!

I don’t imagine anyone will deny that “Werd” has earned this honor with his consistent readership and stimulating commentary. By being willing to take stands that at times differ from my own, as well as those of fellow readers, Drew adds a unique dimension to every conversation. I know that the Zizzle-Zot community appreciates his input and looks forward to hearing his thoughts.

Mr. Foley, as he is known to the fourth graders he teaches in Rapid City, SD, just recently bought a home with his lovely wife, Brittany. In his spare time, he enjoys using his small arsenal of rifles and shotguns to shoot plates, bottles and televisions to pieces in the Black Hills, climbing to Harney Peak so he can spit off the top, and watching “The OC: Season 1” (just season 1) on DVD.

Good work, Werd!

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations WERD! Much Deserved. I have very much enjoyed engaging in conversation with you as Zizzle-zot groupies. I look forward to another month of the now famous Werd Yelof insights!

Anonymous said...

Drewby...Congrats Buddy!!!

I knew your day would come. You have been a loyal Blogger since day one and i have definetly enjoyed your perspective on many of the issues. Without your input this blog wouldn't be nearly as enticing.

Also, congrats to Gruber on making it this far with your training. I really admirer the will power and devotion you have for training. It is really awesome see a friend go through something as enduring as a marathon.

Nice job boys!!! Yahoooooo

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Zizzle-Zot and the readers. I was dreaming of this day and it is finally here. I feel very honored to be a part of the "Reader of the Month Club". Might have to start a group on Facebook actually.

Reading the blog has been a great break in my daily routine and I look foward to reading every morning. I think it helps my day to go just a little bit better.

The conversation has been great and the topics have been intriguing. It's just grand!

On a side note. Federer is sweet! Might be better then the all mighty Sampras. If he isn't now, he is on his way. What do you think Groobs?

Zizzle-Zot said...

Good to hear from everyone.

A facebook group for Readers of the Month, that would be fun...You should create it Drew.

Federer is fricking unbelievable. Look for a post on it (probably Wednesday).

Anonymous said...

If we created a facebook group for readers of the month, you wouldn't be able to be a part of it Gruber, because you have never been the reader of the month... interesting concept for next month (Zizzle Zot names Zizzle Zot reader of the month) it could further add to the pretentiousness of the zizzle-zot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zizzle-Zot said...
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Zizzle-Zot said...

I like the thinking P Corcs.