Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Wowzers! (I felt that a simple wow didn't do justice to the number of comments...) A lot of action in the last couple of days. I apologize if I seem reactionary, but I’m going to dedicate today’s post to responding to some of the many ideas and topics being bounced around.

P Corcs, you're right to say that it is extreme hyperbole to compare Guantanamo to a concentration camp. I’m by no means trying to demean or downplay anything that happened to the Jewish population during WWII. I used the comparison to illustrate a point, and I think, in this regard, the comparison serves its purpose. What I'm getting at is the fact that we can't afford to assume our leaders are moral or that America's actions will always be just. As you yourself pointed out, the majority of the Germans were oblivious to the realities of the Nazi Party because the only information they received was filtered through Hitler and his cronies. Can anyone say for certain that we aren’t just as naïve? Once again, I’m aware that I’m exaggerating the situation, and the media largely ensures that a mass delusion to this extent will never happen again. But remember journalists are human beings influenced by external factors and we must always take these eternal influences into account.

For myself, I would much rather error on the side of boldness, even if it means being proven wrong, than be naïve to the realities of the world around us. I know that you all would too.

Good work on the 13 comment find. Your application for Zizzle-Zot Historian is being carefully considered...and has now been made accepted. I’ll figure out a way in the next couple of days to make it official… I imagine we’ll need a picture with you in a scholarly lounge, with a pipe, wearing a smoking jacket and a monocle (sounds like Clue).

Mr. Helgen, a most sincere welcome to Zizzle-Zot, etc. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we’ve enjoyed your thoughts and insights into the discussions. Don’t worry about “hijacking” the comments section. It’s good to hear as many sides to a debate as possible, and I know all the readers appreciate having another mind to bounce ideas around. Thanks for bringing that Daily Show episode to our attention. I just went online and watched the clip with the author of “Merchant of Death,” Douglas Farah.

You all can check it out here:


You have to watch an annoying commercial with Missy “Misdemeanor” (is she still called that?) Elliott first. Apologies. But it really is worth it.

That said, I’m the self-nominated and elected president of the “Nicholas Cage Haters Club.” Unless we’re talking about Adaptation (but Face Off? Come on.).

Cassel, Mr. Antagonist was right to say the US is doing very little to capture Victor Bout. We do use him for behind-the-scenes arms deals, and he’s been contracted to transport UN officials, US diplomats, (and according to the previously mentioned Daily Show interview, frozen chickens), etc. The US didn't even issue the arrest warrant (Interpol did). Plus, it would be the start of a political nightmare to try and get him out of Russia.

It’s interesting, because the current administration has spent the last 7 years trying to make every issue black and white, Good vs. Evil, us vs. them. This is just one of countless situations where, in reality, there are many shades of grey.

This leads to the “moral authority” debate, but this post is already getting long and I’m not ready to touch it right now. Maybe in the future…

To give you a sneak preview of the next couple of days: Yesterday Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University. Today he'll address the United Nations. Tomorrow I’ll offer some thoughts on these events. Look also for a review for Halo 3 (assuming I can carve out some time to get my game on), and I’ve been bouncing around some theories on morphing.

Thanks for reading.

PS Zizzle-Zot, etc. fully endorses Epic Duels as the best game ever created. Maybe I'll make a poll...


Anonymous said...

First off, don't hit on Nicholas Cage Gruber, you know he is one of my top actors along with Tom Hanks! "Ghost Rider"! Come on, best bad ass movie ever!

I haven't been able to view the links you posted. The school district has blocked just about every website. After I view them at home I might have some more to say. Just wanted to put in my two cents with Cage.

Anonymous said...

That guy really does have his hand in everything. He has to be very very smart and a great people person to "accomplish" everything he has by the time he is 40. I wonder just how much money he has?

I would like to now pledge to all Zizzle-Zotians that I will do my best to uphold the honorable position of historian. I will fulfill my duties (what are they?) to the best of my ability always keeping the Zizzle-Zotian readers as first priority!

Welcome Mr. Antagonist. Please continue to add to the conversations and comment as much as you want, we all do.

PS. I love Con-Air... and what about Gone in 60 seconds... True American Classics!

Anonymous said...

Grubs...I like the continuing blog on Bout. The video link was great and i like the idea of shipping frozen chickens. I think we may have to invest in it.

But on a more important factor, Pat and i have put a lot of time into looking up Epic Duel websites and i happened to stumble upon a rule we have not been following. The rule straight from the Hasbro Epic Duel's rule book.

The rule is that you can advance your player after you roll through the squares of your minor/major characters and your teams minor/major characters as long as they don't end on the same occupied space.
You can't move through the opponents occupied squares no matter what.

So what do you think about this?

Lata buddy

Zizzle-Zot said...

That's an interesting rule. It would definitely change the game.

Anonymous said...

What is this epic duel? Fill me in.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to applaud Mr. Antagonist for his great comments and engaging insight. I appreciate how you contribute to the conversation in confrontational yet respectful, non-invasive manner. This is what our society needs. Conversation and debate that does not lead to division.

Second I'd like to tell y'all (I can say "y'all" now cuz I live with two good ole' Texan boys!) some interesting news from Fuller Semiary in regard to Zot's post coming tomorrow. My Christian Ethics professor Glen Stassen is going to be meeting with Ahmadinejad this wednesday along with a number of other representatives for the US. He is representing the Evangelical Church. His thesis is something about biblical non-violence and peace making. He will be quoting from each western (and some eastern) faith tradition's text on peace making. He has done extensive research on Islam and peace making. If any of you are interested in checking him out his name again is Glen Stassen. He's kind of big deal. Probably has many leather-bound books and an apartment that smells of rich mohagany. Here's a link...


Anonymous said...

I'm feeling the love...

Anonymous said...

Gruber another posting idea. Season premier of "The Office, Season 4" airs on Thursday night. That show is flippin awesome! Definitely one of my all time favorities. What does that Zot have to say about it?

Anonymous said...

How about a post on how sucky the office is?

Anonymous said...

How about a punch in the throat? (kidding) but the office is good shize...

Anonymous said...


I love the office. It is actually my favorite show. Every night it is on I pop some popcorn and cuddle up with my favorite pillow. Everything stops on that night, so no phone calls Thursday night at 7pm ok?