Monday, November 26, 2007

Zizzle-Zot, etc.: What’s Next?

Well folks, my time at Boston Scientific has come to its inevitable conclusion. We all knew I couldn’t make it in the competitive (or is it anal?) medical device industry for long, and I’m just as surprised as anyone that my career lasted as long as it did. Soon I will be moving on to an illustrious (and probably equally short-lived) position in the field of photoelectric sensors.

I can hardly contain my excitement.

Fortunately, I have no regrets about my time at BoSci. I spent the hours of my day…well, liberally, doing minimal work for maximum credit (thus realizing the American dream). The time I allotted to reading online newspapers allowed me gain a formidable grasp on world affairs. My time perusing The Onion and listening to This American Life gave me hours of amusement. Time devoted to managing my fantasy football team meant clinching a spot in the playoffs.

And my time working on Zizzle-Zot, etc., connecting daily with all of you fine people, has been a joy.

Now the question we’re all asking ourselves (or rather, you all are asking me) is: Zot, what comes next? I must invite you, dear readers, to embrace the unknown; for that is the path upon which we now embark. “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked doors” (Rainer Maria Rilke).

At Boston Scientific I found myself in the perfect storm of corporate ineptitude and indifference. I had a number of bosses who never communicated. None of my team members sat in the same area. Everyone assumed my responsibilities were quite complex and time consuming, when in reality they could have trained a monkey to do the same thing. I realize it sounds like an ideal situation, and you all are wondering why I’m leaving. I repeat: they could have trained a monkey to do my job.

I unfortunately have no idea what kind of free time my new job will afford me, though I’m doubtful that I will be able to continue maintaining Zizzle-Zot, etc. during office hours. In addition, I’ve had an itch lately to write the Great American Novel (or at least a novel snarky enough to live up to the Zizzle-Zot name).

So what does all this mean for Zizzle-Zot, etc.?

To start, I think I’ll have to reduce posting frequency to once a week (at least for the time being). Try not to think of it as a reduction in quantity, but as an amplification of quality (to apply some corporate jargon to the matter). Look for new posts every Wednesday, and don’t be surprised if others pop up sporadically. I’ll keep everyone updated on any changes.

The plan is to get a rough draft of the novel down in the next month (ambition is the key to success). I’ll then work through a revision and post a semi-finalized version, in its entirety, in a series on Zizzle-Zot, etc. That’s right, ladies and gents, you all will get the first look at a novel that may (or may not) change the world as we know it.

I know this is probably coming as a shock to the many (several) loyal readers. I promise you all that Zizzle-Zot is not going anywhere, and will not soon give up his reign of terror over the blogosphere. Think of this down-time as a metamorphosis. Zizzle-Zot goes into self-imposed exile to come back stronger (and more beautiful) than ever. Like the Phoenix, Zizzle-Zot, etc. will rise from the ashes.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Wow! It's a good thing i was sitting down while reading this. I don't know how it will all pan out, but i will do my best to still think as highly of you as i do right now.

Good luck with the book and i can't wait to see it.

C Ya tonight buddy!

Anonymous said...

My life is over (except for Wednesday). Actually, I would save the everyday blogs for a chance to read the "Zizzle Zovel" (Novel + Zot). That was terrible. Maybe we will just have to post back and forth mon, tues, thurs, and friday to keep this goin.

I love Debbie Swanson!

Anonymous said...

I would be lying if I said I wasn't disapointed. Zizzle-Zot has become as habitual as brushing my teeth. Just like Peanut butter comes with Jelly, Lunch comes with Zizzle-Zot.

However, I am in full support of a Zizzle-zot novel. Bring it on. In the mean time, maybe some Zizzle-zot readers could step up to the plate (including myself) and email a post to Gruber from time to time that could possibly pass the test and make it on the #1 blog in the blogosphere. I think that would be cool if that would be something Zizzle-zot would support.

Well, see you tonight Gruber. Legolas, Maverick, and Madtrix vs. the rest???

Zizzle-Zot said...

I would be in full support of that idea, P Corcs. Send me whatever you have. I'd love to have some guest writers.

Maybe they'd at least let the Dream Team play together for one game.

Anonymous said...


Well I have to admit I knew this day would come. Your job was the perfect fit for getting away with writing an awesome post everday day. It will be sadly missed.

I get your joke Chris, "Sizzle Zovel", very funny. I lauged for a long time...seriously I did. I almost laughed as long as the time when you called me at Bethel from the gas station and told me you locked your keys in your car..with the car running. Or the time you borrowed my car and couldn't figure out how to shift it into reverse (I know VW's are tricky, but come on). Anyway, I almost laughed as hard as those times, almost.

Anyway, I am sure I will find my self logging onto Sizzle-Zot tomorrow and then not see anything new. It will take a while to get used to, but I think I can do it.

Also, Gruber and boys, I will be in town this weekend. I am coming in on Friday at about 1 or 2pm. I will call Groobs!

Anonymous said...

By the way I meant Zizzle, not Sizzle. I wasn't trying to be funny, even though it was.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is way harder then i imagined. I don't know what to do for the 1st 10 mins of lunch...anybody got anything interesting to talk about???

Anonymous said...

Wednesday is only one day away everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo for Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!! We can talk about how the Vikings are going to make the playoffs.

Anonymous said...


Well. I am a little frightened, as many are when their future is unknown. However, I trust Zot will give us all what we long for. You are the man Zot!

Best of luck Zotzki!

The Friendly Liberal said...

I would love to write some posts that don't have a thing to do with God.

Is this idea gaining traction?