Now on to more Zizzle-Zot wrath…
I was watching Good Morning America while eating my Frosted Flakes today and a story came on that instantly had me steaming from the ears. The segment was my first introduction to the congregation of Westboro Baptist Church, hailing from Topeka Kansas. Why did this small collection of Evangelicals catch my attention?
I’m glad you asked.
Led by Rev. Fred Phelps Sr, the 75 church members (most of whom are related to Phelps) have been touring the country and protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers.
Phelps and his congregation believe that disasters including Hurricane Katrina, the attacks of 9/11, and the quagmire in Iraq are God’s punishment for a country that tolerates homosexuality (the group first gained national notoriety when it demonstrated at the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was beaten to death in Wyoming in 1998).
Holding signs that read “Thank God for IEDs,” “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” and “God Hates Fags,” the group spreads their message of hate amidst the tears of grieving parents. They disrespect men and women who have given their lives to serve a cause they believe in. The protests aren’t concerned with the war. They aren’t pacifists who disagree with war on moral grounds. They are celebrating the deaths of innocent young soldiers out of a pathological hatred for homosexuality.
I don’t feel the need to explain or justify my outrage. I’m ashamed that these people assume the label Christian, and on behalf of all Christians, I’m sorry.
Nearly 30 states have passed laws making it illegal to protest within 300 feet of a funeral, laws which Phelps believes are restricting free speech and are therefore unconstitutional. The American Civil Liberties Union agrees. Caroline Frederickson, director of the ACLU’s national legislative office, stated that “We’re paying close attention because of the First Amendment implications and [we] may be prepared to criticize legislation that restricts people’s lawful right to express ideas, as distasteful as they may be.”
Normally, I’m an avid supporter of free speech. It’s an amazing thing to live in a country that offers citizens the opportunity to express their beliefs, and rigorously defends their right to do so.
But these people are desecrating the funerals of brave young soldiers to spread a message of hate. They are using the name of God to further a personal agenda that is pointedly un-Christ like.
I’m strongly considering the possibility that some people don’t deserve the First Amendment.
Thanks for reading.
This pisses me off too. I have seen reports on the news for this type of thing and to know even more now that these people call themselves Christians, it is very difficult to deal with. You have to wonder what they would do if one their own was a fallen soldier.
One glimpse of respect in this whole issue is brought up by the Patriot Guard Riders. I don't know if you have heard of them, but they have a mission to protect as many military funerals from these groups led by Rev. Fred Phelps and any other protesters. I saw them on the news as a group that is coming back and fighting against this outrage. Their website is:
It is sad to see what some groups of people do when they are led by the wrong leader with messed up morals and beliefs. I don't know how they could support their actions Biblically? I agree, maybe the First Amendment isn't for everyone...too bad.
I guess there isn't a lot too say about this rediculous family. I just really feel bad for the children of the Phelps that don't know any better than what their idiot family is telling them.
Pat and I have watched many videos on these idiots and just feel discusted everytime we see them. I don't wish pain on many people, but i wish the whole congregation would all stub their toes and get paper cuts today!
Rev. phelps isn't the worst either, it is his psycho wife that takes the cake. She is the voice of the group. She is the one always interviewing and stuff. These people make me want to punch a toddler.
Youtube some of the videos that are out there like her daughters on Tyra. It is very sad. I'm surprised you just heard about this group groob daddy. We should all go down there and picket in front of there houses and church. Who's in??
I'd be in for a little road trip. I don't know how I've been unaware of them for all this time. I blame CNN.
FOX News is the place Groobs, not CNN!
My Irish blood is bubbling....Did you guys know that if you are Irish, Swedish, Jewish, or a viewer of Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, Fred Phelps hates your guts too! Yeah, check out this wikipedia doc on him
He hates me and my homeland Ireland....
Also for any of you living in the Minneapolis area, know that you are living "in the land of the Sodomite damned." Can you believe this Psycho?
My issue stems maybe from my nature or traits, but I naturally have the urge to want to see him assassinated! Yeah that's harsh, but I think it comes from an ultimately good, but misguided nature. It's because I hate evil so much that I want to wipe it away from this earth. But I also realize how much I need to let God have the power and that God sees all of his creation as having unsurpassible worth. Can you grasp the fact that our God can outrageously love a guy like Fred Phelps? I know I can't. God's love for Fred Phelps illustrates just how awe-inspiring our God is and the capacities he reaches.
I don't believe Jesus wants to placate our rage. We are staring evil directly in the eye. Of course we should be enraged!
It's so tempting to want to respond to hate with more hate, but I don't think Jesus would do this. From the lesson of Jesus at the well, we know that he does not condemn the sinner to hell, but wants to transform the sinner. In Matthew, he picks up the prostitute, says "He who is without sin cast the first stone", and tells her to go and sin no more.
Fred Phelps illustrates some of the grossest, most attrocious sinning I've seen in a while, but I think we can understand something about our God in Jesus Christ. Our God does not send the most attrocious of sinners to hell, but welcomes them into His Kingdom (after saying, "sin no more"). Our God is so subversive to our natural human instinct. I want to kill Fred Phelps, but Jesus wants to embrace Fred Phelps (probably after knocking a bit of sense into him!). What an outrageous God we serve! A God who loves "Fags" and Fred Phelps one in the same.
As Jesus is traveling from town to town, walking on the hillside of Galillee, he turns to His followers made up of tax collectors, prostitutes, probably some "fags", probably some Phelpsian types, and says, "Behold the Kingdom of God"!
It is for this reason that I follow Christ. He manifests love in perfection and is subversive to all things evil. It truly is wowing.
For Mr. A: Behind all the theology, philosophy, and rhetoric, this is why I (and some other Zotians) are followers of Christ. This unsurpassible, uncompromising, subversive love that can protrude the ugliest evil that this world is stuck in is our fuel for life. By following Christ, we combat evil with His love. When the truth of God's love is seen and experienced, it can melt away all our inhibitions.
And when you see the evils and ugliness done by so called Christians, realize that Christians do not always represent Christ. (remember that Ghandi quote) But Jesus in the Gospels is the true picture of Christ. It is a Christian's purpose to mimic Christ. When that is done, it doesn't look Republican or Democrat, pro-life or pro-choice, pro marriage ammendment, or anything else we want to group with American Christians. It looks like outrageous love. Christ is that. Christians should be after that. Regretably, this is not always the case....
Okay I've said my peace
Well said Cassel...
You really are looking at things in a different light than I would've. It really is incredible to actually look at how unbelievable our God is. It is amazing.
Personaly, I do hate this guy and his followers. I know that I shouldn't... the Bible tells me not to. But, I do. I hate how they call themselves Christian, but more how they represent even the most minuscule part of humanity. A part of humanity that does absolutely no good at all. A group that is a complete waste of space.
It is really sad that people like this could use their beliefs and popularity for such good. Instead, they focus on a tiny part of their belief, which many of us believe also, and exploit it. Exploit it so much that they miss the most important part of Christ's message...
1 John 3:11 "This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another."
Sounds pretty straight forward to me...
After my first post I took a few minutes to look at I am honestly outraged almost to tears.
How can our God really love this guy and his followers? It makes me quiver...
Why do I love and follow someone who would embrace these people? I have no idea...
These people represent everything I hate. I don't know whatelse to say.
By the way... this may sound like I am angry with God, and I am not. This is just the best I could do to show my frustration.
I personally think we should ship these people to Iran. They apparently don't have any homosexuals over there. Sounds like a Fred Phelp's paradise.
I've been following these guys via youtube for a while now and quite frankly, I don't think a single news agency should run a story on these fools. That's what they want. They want controversy, they want you to get why indulge them?
I'm happy to see that no one is using this oppertunity to attack the ACLU. They fight these kind of battles to hold the keep the debate focused on extreme cases like this. If we stop asking honest questions about freedom when it comes to these nutjobs, then we run the risk of letting the debate fall onto much more critical aspects of the 1st ammendment. I personally think that people should have a right to mourn in peace, much it needs to get into the books before it can be used to disuade someone else's freedom of speech.
This video clip caters to a side of me that I'm not entirely proud of, but we all need to let loose once in a while...
Westboro Church getting run out of town:
P.s. Fox News is not the place. Neither is Air America. Get the facts man! Then you decide.
Was it mentioned that these guys just lost 11 million in a court case? They might have to cut back on their "God Hates Fags" signs.
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