Friday, November 9, 2007

November Zizzle-Zot Reader of the Month

I bet you all didn’t know that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Nor did you know that November is the month of a charity event called Movember in which participants register with a clean shaven face and over the next 30 days grow and groom the best moustache they can, competing for the title “Man of Movember.” November is also the month of elections, El Dia de los Muertos, and Guy Fawkes Night.

Oh, and then there’s Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday – gastronomically speaking of course).

Personally, I’m not a huge advocate of November (though this isn’t really the fault of the month itself). Death abounds as all the leaves have fallen and the grass grows crispy with frost. The transition from pleasantly cool to downright nipply is abrupt, giving my body little time to acclimate to the newly harsh conditions. It’s too early in the season for winter sports, too late to be outside without having snot stream from the nose.

Really, it’s the purgatory of the seasons.

Though this shouldn’t be held against our November Zizzle-Zot Reader of the Month (the pronouncement of which may be November’s one saving grace).

Our newest Reader of the Month has proven himself to be a dedicated reader, responding consistently and adding new perspectives along with (insert superlative descriptor here) conversation points. In addition, he has expanded his efforts into the creation of an entirely new blog (check it out at I suppose that let’s the proverbial cat out of the bag, defeating my attempt to build suspense by playing coy.

A round of applause for Mr. Antagonist, our newest Zizzle-Zot Reader of the Month!

Mr. Antagonist, I know we have all come to appreciate your perspective, your willingness to play devil’s advocate, and your unique contributions (I particularly liked your suggestion to send the congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church to Iran, since they don’t have any homosexuals there. And a good effort with “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker” on the Oscar Wilde post).

So kudos, Mr. Antagonist, I’m sure we all agree you’ve earned this prestigious honor and that you will serve the position well.

Thanks to all of you who make Zizzle-Zot, etc. a regular part of your lives. My appreciation of your support is limitless.

I’ve been hearing rumors that we have some new readers that have yet to comment. I urge you all to make your presence on Zizzle-Zot, etc. felt. We’re not looking for anything profound, just drop a quick hello. It’s good to hear some new voices. I realize the blog seems dude-heavy, but ladies don’t let this intimidate you (Suzy Corcs we always love when you chime in). Behind the tough guy exteriors, we all have tender souls.

Well…Maybe not Late Night…

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Antagonist! You were an easy decision.

P.S. if anyone cares, I changed my mind about the strike. reasoning is in the comments section

Anonymous said...

First off, let me congratulate Mr. A. You are a gentlemen and a scholar a thousand times over.
Let me also say to Zot. What the hell! Are you saying I don't have a tough manly exterior or that I don't have a tender soul? Dick...! I am as man as they come. (you should see my ruthless beard...completely untrimmed, even sportin' the neckbeard!) And at the same time I am quite tender! As everyone can see, Joey and I are very tender with each other! But maybe that negates the whole "tough exterior man" thing. Whatever, Happy Friday to you all!

PS Shout out to Suzy Corcs, I think she should introduce some diversity into Zizzle Zot, etc. I mean, our readers of the month are all white males. When are we gonna have the first woman reader of the month. It would be like Hillary attaining the presidency. (Sorry Suz, didn't mean to parallel you and Hillary) Let's hear ya Suz!

Anonymous said...

Great decision this month Grubs, I think we all were guessing that you might go the route of Mr. A.

Congratulations, Mr. A. you have been a consistent reader and commentor. You're viewpoints have been a breath of fresh air with the heavy load of Bethel Dudes.

Late night, I'll have to give you the tender card until I see the full neck beard.

Anonymous said...

Mr. A,

Congratulations buddy. I know, as it was said, we all enjoy hearing your views on the topics at hand. I knew that your day was coming and i couldn't be happier for you. Welcome to the club of Readers of the month!

PS Did anybody else giggle when gruber said "nipply"

PPS Maybe comments like that are whats keeping some girls from posting

PPPS Cassel if they would have seen the way you handled me last night there would be no question of your "tough exterior manhood"

PPPPS Ya'll have a good weekend and wish me luck hunting, so that i shoot a huge Buck and i can come home early and join blackout john and beligerant nate for a night o fun!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh. I remember when I was reader of the month... What an honor! Congrats Mr. A. for your ROTM victory! Well deserved. I look forward to your countless blog entries on Zizzle-Zot and Why I'm An Agnostic.

Good Work. You keep us thinking.

Anonymous said...

Mr. A,
I don't know you really at all besides through this blog. I am one of the Bethel dudes, however I live over in South Dakota. Congratulations. You do bring a unique perspective in the comment section and we need that. Sometimes we all agree too much and you bring up points we don't always think about.

I have yet to check out your blog in more depth, but I think now that you are part of the "Reader of the Month Group" you are now worthy to have me make a few comments to enlighten the conversation:). Nice work!

P.S. Chris I think Groobs was saying you don't have a tender soul and based on your reaction and comments, that wasn't very tender. Maybe you should spend some alone to find your inner self and then report back when you have something nice to say:)

The Friendly Liberal said...

Gore can have his so called "Peace Prize". He can't touch this!

In all honesty, this is one of the most welcoming corners of the world wide web and that goes a long way with me.

Thanks guys.