Monday, June 18, 2007

My 50th post…Hooraaay!

To celebrate this momentous occasion (the official 50th post on Zizzle-Zot, etc.) I’d like to thank all of my faithful readers who have toiled day in and day out through the drudgeries of my musings hoping to catch some glimpse of competence, only to be disappointed time and again. You are true friends, and you all are the wind beneath my wings (tear – pause to regain my composure).

I realize that all of you know who you are, and it would be monotonous (and perhaps ill-advised in the blogosphere) to thank you by name. But it’s my blog, damn-it, and I’m gonna write whatever I want. So without further ado:

A special thanks to first ever Zizzle-Zot Reader of the Month P Corcs, Joey, Mo, Crassel-Dassel, Noah, Chris and Dena, Nato, Drew and Torpy. I realize that there are others I’m missing and I apologize. I urge you to make yourselves known. Comment when you have thoughts, disagreements, queries, quandaries, unabashed rage, or just when you get a chuckle. In the meantime, I thank you in spirit.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I am the most faithful reader... anyone who wants to dispute this please try...

Anonymous said...

Besides Joe, I haven't even seen any other people do multiple posts... where is all of your support for the zizzle zot blog?

And you call yourself friends of Gruber...

Noah said...

Well, this calls for fireworks and cake! Boom, bang, puushie, fizzle, fouck, bang, boom. Your writings have been an inspiration to us all Mr. Zot. From the men who see a future of reality and the women who crave those men, thank you and congratulations on your 5oTH anniversary E-rock!