Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shouldn’t it be Warmer?

I woke up on Saturday morning to a winter wonderland. The ground was covered with snow, my car was covered with frost, and I was cold, literally and figuratively (as in, the numbness in my outer extremities was outdone only by the numbness of my summer-lusting soul). We do live in Minnesota, so such weather occurrences are to be expected. But it’s the end of April. And I was promised global warming.

Scientists have been telling us for years that the arctic ice is melting, polar bear habitats are disappearing, penguins are sipping Mai Tais while lounging in Tommy Bahama cabana wear. The warming trend is now reaching catastrophic proportions. Stronger weather systems are creating increasingly destructive tropical storms. Lengthy droughts are leading to widespread famine. Aforementioned melting ice is leaving elevated water levels. The apocalypse is nigh.

But really, April 26 and I can’t get a barbeque worthy day? I want explanations, damnit.

I’m no scientist and on the facts I’m sketchy at best, but I can’t help but suspect that global warming is a whole heap of rubbish. Throughout the history of the planet Earth there have been countless climactic shifts. These are well documented and scientifically accepted.

What caused the ice age? Methane emanating from Mammoth asses? And what about the warming that inevitably arrived with the end of the ice age? Would today’s scientists have spurred a panic then? New research reveals that 70,000 years ago the human race nearly went extinct due to a massive drought. The entire species was confined to small pockets of Africa. Did this die-off coincide with the discovery of fire?

No. These shifts were the result of the ebb and flow of the planet’s climate. Natural causes. Unfortunately, a focus on long-term patterns doesn’t win grants, voices of reason don’t get air time on the evening news. So even in the world of science we’re left with fear-mongering and panic-jockeying.

I’m not suggesting that global warming is pure fiction, but I am suggesting that it’s far too soon for us to fully understand the repercussions of our beloved chlorofluorocarbons, and it’s awfully presumptuous of us to believe we fully understand the whims and subtleties of our 4.5 billion year old planet.

The basis for global warming theory is the idea that “greenhouse gases” prevent warm air from dissipating in the atmosphere, leading to a rise in temperatures globally. But why do we assume that greenhouse gases trap warm air in? Couldn’t they just as plausibly keep the sun’s heat out? Could global warming be explained, at least partially, by the booming population? I’ve got to believe that billions of extra sweating, farting human beings heats things up pretty quick. Would scientists then advocate mass executions (won’t somebody show a little mercy for the polar ice caps)? Hell, maybe Mother Earth is trying to reduce us to ashes because she’s tired of our egoism.

It’s a poignant demonstration of our self-important, narcissistic nature to believe that our actions can irrevocably alter the course of the planet, while in ages past dramatic events (obscene, inexplicable climate changes, mass extinctions) were completely attributed to natural causes. We’re so refined and sophisticated and smart that our insignificant little deeds must have some impact. Right?

This, in my opinion, remains to be seen.

But really, what difference does it make? Stewardship of the planet is a shared responsibility that we are born into. We all know that pollution is a problem. The smog that hangs over major cities is real, as is the startling asthma rate. The extinction of species caused by blatant disregard hurts us all, and deprives future generations of their right to live a fully realized life. There’s no excuse for lining the ocean floor with plastic grocery bags and dirty diapers.

Why is this not enough to shake us from apathy? Why do I need a cataclysmic event to spur me into action? Threats of incineration shouldn’t be necessary to convince me that I should ride a bike every once in a while.

But truth be told, even such outlandish threats prove insufficient. You could tell the general population that they would die immediately if they neglected their environmental responsibilities, and I’m betting a quarter would still refuse to walk 50 extra feet to find a recycling can. We are an odd species.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Hey Grubs i'm with ya. Global warming my ass.

Christopher Kevin Casselman said...

oooooh, Joey's ass! My Fav.

Some might say, "Global Warming, Shmobal Shmarming."

I just say, "Say no to drugs!"

Anonymous said...

I have to say I am with you as well Groobs. We are in the middle of a winter storm warning. 6-12inches of snow by Friday afternoon.

Global warming, Chris's ass!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think about Global warming. The jury is still out for me. Is there evidence that warming has happened in places, yes. I don't think we can deny the receeding of the icebergs, and the thawing of the artic tundra.

Is there any evidence that this was caused by humans? I tend to think not. At this point it seems to me like a bunch of theories. I ask the question with you Gruber, are we that self absorbed that we assume our actions can have this kind of effect on our planet? Or our those of us questioning it that niave that we don't see whats right in front of our face?

Only time will tell I guess. Let's not forget that just 30-40 years ago the scientific community was much in union about the planet being on the edge of another small Ice age. What happened to that?

Werd, that sucks, are you getting snowed on right now?

Joe, I agree, your ass does produce some well documented heat from time to time.

Chris, What about that time where you and I were on meth to see who could stay awake the longest. I think I lasted like 9 days and you went down after like 12 days. You sure didn't say no to drugs that time.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where I stand on this issue. On one hand, I think that global warming is definitely just part of the earth's cycle. On the other, we as humans obviously aren't helping anything. So, if we can make a few changes and slow this down, possibly slow the growing number of hurricanes/crazy weather, why not? We should be treating the earth better.

On another note, how long until Minnesota becomes oceanfront property? That's gonna be sweet.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Global Warming. Maybe its real... maybe it isn't. I think that both sides have strong evidence to make either conceivable. However, I will not just rule out global warming because of a few cold days in Minnesota in late April. What was the weather like at the polar ice caps?

It continues to amaze me just how much opinion differs for us humans. Whether it be politics, religion, human rights, or o-zone completeness, we have to argue about everything.

Here's what I think... I really agree with Groobie's last section of his post. Regardless of whether or not global warming exists, pollution is a huge problem for our earth (granted it is getting better). Landfills wont just be going away anytime soon... we'll just continue to add to them. There are only two man-made structures visible from outer space. The Great wall of China, and the New York City Landfill off Staten Island.

Whether or not smog causes holes in the o-zone layer, scientists know for a fact it causes acid rain, which has a huge effect on crops and ecosystems in forests and lakes.

I mean, eventually fossil fuels will run out, rain forests will be eliminated, species will become extinct, shouldn't we still be concerned?

And from a Christian prospective (mine personally), shouldn't we be better stewards of God's perfect and beautiful creation?

Think of the children... Think of your children... Cassel... please don't have children.

PS Anyone who has spent more than 30 seconds knows that he has some serious methane problems. Not that it's so plentiful... it's just THAT unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting article I found. Pretty biased, but talks about Al Gore's profit from spreading global warming hysteria. Albert was worth a cool $1 mil when he lost the presidency in 2000, he now has a net worth of over $100 mil. Just something to think about.