Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Beijing Infested with Overgrown, Martial Arts Loving Reptiles

Government officials have confirmed reports that an infestation of large, Renaissance-influenced and English-speaking turtles has been wreaking havoc on China’s largest city and site of the 2008 Summer Olympics, emerging from city sewers to decimate the pizza supply, stalk young female journalists and unleash so called “Turtle Power” on unsuspecting citizens.

This outbreak serves yet another blow to the great nation of China, hoping that the 2008 games would serve as its grand introduction as a major player on the international stage. The latest disaster in a series of unforeseen, purely coincidental environmental setbacks, the turtle debacle follows closely on the heels of rumors that the world’s top marathoners would decline to participate due to dangerous levels of air pollution and an invasion of unsightly green algae sludge floating atop the Yellow Sea.

The mutant turtles, according to eyewitnesses, are adolescent in demeanor, demonstrating a penchant for silly antics and catch phrases such as “cowabunga,” and wear colored eye bands, presumably to tell one another apart. They are highly skilled in the martial arts, well armed, and should be considered extremely dangerous. It is believed they are led by an equally oversized, wise beyond his years rat, though reports of the creature could not be confirmed.

Chinese scientists have yet to ascertain the origin of the turtles, though they speculate the mutation was caused by some sort of ooze, the chemical composition of which is a secret. They do emphasize, however, that the presence of these “teenage mutant ninja turtles” is only loosely related to China’s atrocious pollution problem.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Who else wore ninja turtle underwear? Man, those were cool!

Anonymous said...

Grubs! Thanks for the insight on the developing stories in Beijing. I figured they were still in the old train in the subway where they used to live.

Hey do you think any of them ever got it on with April? If so, do you think that we'll see some half TMNT's, half female reporters around?

And k-han, what's up with the past tense. I know that i seen you in your TMNT underwear last saturday when you were running through the quads!

Welp, gotta go, seems i have a turtle head pokin' out as i'm typing...lata

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! I think i had a TMNT sleeping bag. I'm pretty sure i had the PJ's and underwear too.

China sucks at cleanliness. Maybe they should build another wall.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Joey and I get together on Saturday nights at his house when Mo goes out with the girls. We do faux-martial arts in our Ninja Turtle undies until the wee hours of the night. Sometimes it leads to bad Ninja swords...

Christopher Kevin Casselman said...

Hey Zot-

Thanks for that link. Good blog for the California Aedventurer.

I'll be home in about a week dudes! Pat can we go boating?

Anonymous said...

Sorry late night, sold the boat. Got to get ready for the big move. Looking forward to seeing you!

Anonymous said...

Turtle Power Baby!

I loved the guys, Donatello was my favorite by far, two swords, who can beat that!?!

Anonymous said...

Well actually WERD, Leonardo is who i think your refering to and they were katanas not swords...

Donatello wielded the bo

Love you too

Anonymous said...

Michelangelo was clearly the coolest. Hands down. I don't even need to say why. You all know.