Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Check out this Op-Ed from the NY Times. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm breaking my silence. I had to, I need some answers!!!!!

PLEASE, SOMEONE... fill me in on how Obama is supposed to be Americas savior. I still have seen nothing that will leave me to believe in the slightest that he will be any different than anyone else. Why and how are so many jumping on the band wagon?!?

Yes, he is great at giving speaches, he's been doing it for over a year now. He is very likeable, he usually knows what to say and when to say it. Has his talk sold everyone? What tangible things has he done in the past to warrant Americas trust at the most powerful position in the world?

When I look into his history I see spending and far leftist agenda voting? Please correct me if I'm wrong. How is this going to as the article said (and I'm paraphrasing) change the cycle of going further into deficit like past presidents and/or be any different than his predecessors?

I'm honestly searching for some help here. I guess all that can be paraphrased into one two part question, What has he done to back up all his speeches and what from his speeches convinces you that he will do what he says?

Anonymous said...

Someone? Anyone?

Christopher Kevin Casselman said...

My mind is far away from politics right now, but I have a rather disconnected thought to give right now.

First of all Barack is Jesus. And McCain is Lucifer. Right? Well that's the picture I am getting these days. What I see most ubiquitous in America these days is an ethos of dichotomizing. I remember a year ago when McCain was the moderate Republican that many democrats were supportive of. Now, he is put head-to-head with Obama, and all of the sudden McCain is the devil and Barack is the savior. To me, it shows the folly in placing hope in politics and political figures.

Personally, I will place my vote with Obama not because I think he has the answers. We've discussed here as Zotians that his voting record overwhelmingly lines up with Hillary's record (besides the war).

I will vote for him simply because I think the Republicans are doing a horrible job. They are not being true conservatives. They've let personal endeavors seep into their politics. I think, if the Republicans were being fiscally conservative, and maintaining the smallest form of government, they might have a credible voice. What they are doing is simply not working, not fiscally conservative, and therein, not Republican.

So my thought is (as elementary as it may be): Let's try somethin' else. Maybe we should give those dems a shot at it. I want a pragmatic polity. Republican polity is simply not playing out successfully in practice. I don't think Barack is going to save us or get it perfect, but I do think a change (sorry for this now cliche jargon) is necessary. It's absurd to think things are working, so lets come at this task from a different perspective.

So I agree with you P-Corcs. Toting Barack as the "American Savior" seems to be foolish. To me, he's a Democrat, but let's give him a shot. The Republicans aren't successful.

I think his speeches are different from other politicians' because he doesn't tell you what "he's going to do." He uses a different method of exhortation. He describes what "WE" are going to do. This gets people involved. I think he's using a similar method to JFK (Ask not what your country can do for you...) It's his idealism that captures people. People want a fresh perspective since they are so disillusioned with the left/right politics. I think this is why he beat Hill. She represents left, divisive American politics. People are sick of it.

Regarding his past record:
People want the idealism of Obama. That's why, in my opinion, his past record doesn't matter as much to people. The ethos of the American public is different from the ethos of the American political game. Barack wins with American public rather than the American political game.

The American political game digs up the past and either uses it for or against a candidate. The American public seems to be disinterested in the candidates' pasts. I think this is why Obama's past seems to be a less significant factor than it would be in past elections.

Think about the fact that Hill championed her so-called experience as the main criterion for why she's a better candidate than Obama. But as we've seen, America doesn't care! I think this is going to show in the upcoming election. McCain has tons of experience, but America won't care (in my estimate).

You asked, "What has he done to back up all his speeches..."

I conclude, He hasn't done much! And no one cares! (he has done good things, but I don't think this is why people like or dislike him) People want a savior. It's human nature... People have created an image of Obama as their savior. McCain has become Obama's antithesis. (And vice versa for the other side) Americans dichotomise...What else is new.

Thougths? Agree? Disagree?