Monday, April 9, 2007

My First Blog

I've always believed that to be a blogger one must
A) be computer savvy
B) be qualified to offer an opinion on something...anything
C) be incredibly narcissistic
D) any combination of the above

A blogger should at least have a loving, computer literate mother. I didn't think I met any of these prerequisites (note: my mother meets the loving standard, just not the computer literate), and as a result I have been in self-imposed exile from the blogosphere (is that the proper "blogger" term? ) since the inception of the blogger nation.

But good news, folks! I have recently stumbled upon the revelation that I am, in fact, ridiculously narcissistic.

So much so that I believe I'm obligated by moral conscience to impose my views, opinions, rants and ramblings upon anyone unfortunate enough to get in my way.

So much so that I think my slant on faith, politics, current events, culture, movies, music, books, philosophy, the merits of the metric system and an economy based on the barter system are actually relevant to anyone besides myself.

So much so that when I woke up this morning and said to myself "Erik (Erik speaks in the third person when Erik wakes up in the morning - Erik and Oprah agree it is self-empowering), what can you do to make the world a better place?" The Erik staring back at me from the ceiling mirror above my bed replied "Erik, you should start a blog."

So much so that I have been cross-checking my spelling in Word because my fragile ego couldn't accept criticism from the blog that I brought into being.

In the posts to come I will serve up a lot of hogwash and hackneyed b.s. If anyone actually reads this garbage, you may find whatever dish I'm serving up unpalatable, in which case feel free to comment. Nothing would make me happier.

Ladies and gents, welcome to my blog.

Much of this post was written in jest.

Erik does not actually believe all, or even the majority of bloggers are "incredibly narcissistic," (Yipes!) even though many have blogs dedicated to writing about themselves...thoughts on paradoxes to come.

Erik does not, in actuality, consider himself "ridiculously narcissistic." Though he did create his own blog.

Erik does not have a ceiling mirror, nor does he refer to himself in the third person when he wakes up in the morning (though for some reason he is in this blog. Must be a blogger thing.) Oprah could not be reached for comment.

Any claims made one way or the other in regards to Erik's narcissism will be jointly filed in an impending libel suit.

And if I abuse the the term "blog-fill in the blank" I apologize. This is still rather exciting.

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